Create Engaging AI Content Backed by More Than Two Decades of Practical Content Writing Experience
Agency Subscription Plan
$295 per client
Full access to your own trained AI content-writing tool
Basic prompt guide
Custom Client Profiles
Custom brand guide for each client
Unlimited content generation
Copy plagiarism checker
30 Anytime Cancellation
Check out our content management tool below to see how much revenue you're leaving on the table👇🏻
After 10 years in business, we know that agency owners are always looking for new ways to increase ROI when it comes to creating content for their clients.
With our Agency monthly subscription plan, you'll be able to leverage the speed and scalability of AI, backed up by our close to 20 years of content writing experience. All for a price that's just a fraction of what you’d normally have to pay.
Let’s break it down. For each client, you pay just $295 per month, but you can create an unlimited number of blog posts, website pages, etc. Your only limit is how many monthly pieces you’re able to sell to your client.
Your AI writing tool comes fully trained, with all of our years of knowledge and experience, so it will be the closest thing to using us as your writing team. It’s also trained to follow Google best content writing practices, so it’s human-first and is designed to build authority.
And for every new client you sign up, we’ll create a custom brand guide to reflect the nuances, likes, dislikes, and preferences of each individual client. This means you can create engaging, high-quality content that seems as though it’s been written by The Content Company, with specifics that are unique to each client.
Get Started Today!
*Your membership also includes any updates that come along to make the process
*If you choose to cancel your membership, you’ll lose access to the platform and your AI-writing tool.